Why do you play your sport?
Are you worried about who is watching your? or do you play because you want to play?
“Instrinsic Motivation vs Extrinsic Motivation”
Do you feel extreme nervousness because of what other will say?
Where does your motivation come from?
Pressure can come from all angles. You can feel it from the outside via your parents, friends, coaches and others. You may even feel it from a significant other. However, if you place your why on an outside source, you may allow their opinion to infiltrate your own opinion of you played. Some extrinsic motivation is fine. For example, you may play a game for a loved one that you lost or play to win a championship ring or trophy. But, be careful with playing to meet the approval of others. Intrinsic motivation is motivation that comes from the inside. You play because you want to play and you are motivated from the inside. With intrinsic motivation, you don't care about the option of others, but sometimes you can start internalize your performances and think that you are a good person or bad person based on your performance. A bit of both is needed in order to reach your highest potential.